

What style do you follow?

Our approach to wedding photography is photojournalistic, also known as reportage or storytelling. This method is characterised by spontaneous shots where we don't instruct people to pose. Instead, we use our photography and film skills to create an authentic and natural narrative of the wedding/event. This allows you to enjoy the special day to the fullest without any added pressure.

We also believe that, from an artistic point of view, it is particularly appealing to complement the reportage with elegant and natural portraits. These portraits should by no means be ordinary, but always authentic and stylish in order to fit harmoniously into the overall story.


Do you edit the raw material yourself and how many images or film material do we receive?

Yes, absolutely! We carefully edit all the raw material ourselves. This is an important process and we take great care to do this personally to best emphasise the emotions and moments of your special day. Typically, with our reportages you will receive several hundred edited images that tell the entire story of your day - from the preparations in the morning to the celebration in the evening. Our video packages include a highlight film and a main film. Of course, we are also happy to incorporate individual wishes and ideas.


How long does it take until we receive the photos and films?

Normally we deliver the pictures/films within about eight weeks after the date of your wedding/event. If you would like an album, you will receive this within approx. 3 months. However, the work of the photographer and videographer does not end on the day of the shoot - on the contrary! The careful selection of the best photos/film sequences, their post-processing and the layout of the album take a lot of time. We always carry out these processes personally and do not commission third parties. For those who need their photos/films faster, we offer the option of "Fast Delivery". This means you will receive everything within four weeks of the wedding/event.


Wie erhalten Wir unsere Fotos und Filme?

The photos are delivered via an online gallery from which you can download them in high resolution or in web format. You can also share the photos with others with just one click.


Are you only available as a package, i.e. photography AND film?

No, you can book either just photos or just film. However, if you would like both photos and film for your wedding or event, Tom will normally take the photos and Tayler will film.


How long do you photograph and film at our event?

The least number of hours we cover in our wedding packages is 10 hours. Our philosophy is that you can't capture a wedding story in less than 10 hours. However, most of our couples book the unlimited hours option, which is best for optimal storytelling. What are unlimited hours, you ask? - Quite simply, we don't count hours of the wedding day - we're there to capture the whole day, from start to finish, wherever, whatever, whenever it happens. However, if you would like to use our services for less than 10 hours, please feel free to get in touch and we can give you more information about hourly rates, including for events.


Where do you mainly work?

We work a lot in alps. However, we are also frequently travelling around the world for and with customers.


What are your costs?

Our approach to wedding photography is a photojournalistic one, also known as reportage. Reportage is characterised by a more spontaneous way of shooting, where the photographer does not ask the bride and groom to pose, but uses the photographic means for a reportage of the wedding and gives them the freedom to experience such a special event without any further pressure. We also believe that it can be interesting from an artistic point of view to enrich the wedding reportage with portraits of the couple, which of course should not be banal, but always natural and elegant.


How far in advance should we book you?

We accept bookings up to approximately 15 - 18 months in advance. In high season, dates book up quickly, so enquire 6-12 months in advance for popular dates. As the wedding date approaches, it is always possible to check last minute availability by emailing or calling.


How do we book you?

Firstly, it's best to fill out the contact form under "Contact" and give us information about you and your project. We will then reply to you immediately and will be happy to organise a video call if required. If you then decide in favour of a booking, we will send you the contract and information on the further procedure.

Do you have any further questions?
Then we look forward to hearing from you!

© Just the Two of Us Productions 2024


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